The Human Resources Conflict Disclosure Form (New) is used to report new conflicts of interest, conflicts of commitment, or nepotism conflicts. This will be filled out on an annual basis corresponding to employee onboarding or performance evaluation.
This form is available to All University of Idaho Employees.
Required fields include:
- Radio button indicating if there is a conflict to report.
- Selection of Type of Conflict
- Employee Classification
- Full-Time / Part-Time Status
- Acknowledgement Checkbox
The Approval Workflow Consists of the following steps:
If there is no conflict to report
If there is a Conflict, form routed to Supervisor for review
If there is a Nepotism conflict
If second supervisor is required
Form reviewed by HR
If there is only a Nepotism conflict, form filed to Etrieve Content, Submitter and HR notified
If there is another conflict
If second supervisor is required
Form routed to Committee Chair
VP Finance Approves or Denies Form
If denied form filed to Etrieve Content, Submitter and HR notified
If approved form filed to Etrieve Content, Submitter and HR notified
Document Storage
The final document is stored in Etrieve Content.
Additional Information
Link to Form
Additional Images