Administrative Technology Advisory Board


The Administrative Technology Advisory Board is authorized by the IT Steering Committee of the University of Idaho (U of I) to provide advice and recommendations in support of the mission of U of I’s administrative technology services. The goal of this board is to bring together administrative units to provide a comprehensive view of administrative technology needs and coordinate the effective use of technology resources. The work of the board helps to ensure a cost-effective, transparent, and strategic approach to prioritizing resources and investments in support of the institution’s mission and priorities. As the board co-chair, the Senior Director of IT Applications and Data has primary responsibility for reaching consensus, reporting, and coordination of board recommendations.

Definition of Administrative Technology

Any computing system or back-end process that directly or indirectly deals with or supports financial, personnel, process or other information that is an integral part of running the operations of the University and does not deal directly with the delivery or completion of teaching, learning or research.

  • Financial Management
  • Human Resources (including Academic Personnel)
  • Capital and Asset Management
  • Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Records
  • Research Administration
  • Advancement
  • Housing and Dining
  • Auxiliary Services
  • Emergency Response
  • Health and Safety
  • Facilities
  • Budget and Planning
  • Marketing & Communications

Board Composition and Term

  • The composition of this board will consist of a cross-functional representation of stakeholders associated with administrative technology services and with authority to make decisions. 
  • Generally, members are selected to represent technology stewards, service stakeholders, Faculty Senate IT Committee, and the student body.  
  • Membership may be permanent or rotating for 1- to 3-year terms based on the position of each member. The membership terms for the various members will be determined after the board has been in operation for one year.
  • Some members are appointed as ex-officio.
  • Members are appointed to committees based on recommendations from the existing members of the IT Steering Committee and other University leadership as appropriate. 
  • The board will annually review membership, addressing attendance gaps or participation gaps from changing member commitments. The board will attempt to stagger terms for rotating members where possible.

Board Membership

  • Co-Chair - Senior Director, IT Applications and Data
  • Co-Chair - [one of the positions chosen below]
  • Representative(s) of Strategic Enrollment Management (1-2 reps)
  • Representative(s) of Division of Finance and Administration (1-2 reps)
  • Representative of Office of Research and Economic Development
  • Representative of University Communications & Marketing
  • Representative of Institutional Research
  • Representative of UI Foundation 
  • Representative of Faculty ITC
  • Representative of Provosts Office
  • Representative of ASUI/Dean of Students (1-2 reps)

The full Charter including Member and Co-chair responsibilities is available for review and is attached to this article.



Article ID: 3010
Thu 5/9/24 2:54 PM
Fri 5/10/24 5:27 PM

