Network Use / Security Agreement



When connecting to the University of Idaho network you may receive email communication containing this "Network Use / Security Agreement" document.


Network Use / Security Agreement

This document serves as an agreement between the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and all University associates who wish to gain access to the University of Idaho's network. Please read this document carefully. Connecting a network device denotes agreement to this document.

The voice, video, and data networks are for the use of University of Idaho students, employees and affiliates. The resources are to be used only for the educational, academic, and research purposes of the University. The University reserves the right to restrict access, availability of access, and change the terms of this agreement at any time for any reason. Information resources are guided by the same principles, and subject to the same sanctions as other campus activities. Violations of these principles will be reported to the appropriate campus judicial body. Sanctions for violations can include, but are not limited to, disconnection from the campus network, termination of University Residences lease (if applicable), disciplinary action by the University Judicial Council, and criminal prosecution by state or federal authorities.


  • All network devices must be registered.
  • Appropriate security software, including anti-virus products, are installed and active.
  • All operating system software is up-to-date.


  • I will not use my connection to engage in software piracy or copyright infringement.
  • I understand I am personally responsible for any activities originating from my network connection.
  • I will comply with the University of Idaho Computer Use Policy.
  • I will follow all security guidelines issued by OIT and respond in a timely manner to any security related incidents.


  • The University of Idaho is not responsible for any loss of data or the compromise of private information such as passwords, credit card information, registration data, etc. while connected to the University network.
  • The University of Idaho assumes no liability for data loss, or equipment damage, pursuant to the use of network resources.
  • The University of Idaho may monitor traffic through a data connection for the purpose of checking compliance with this security agreement.


  • Software or hardware designed to disrupt the security of the campus network, or any devices attached to the network, is prohibited.
  • Individuals may not engage in any activities designed to interrupt or intercept the network traffic of other users.
  • University resources may not be used to support personal business interests.
  • Selling, or providing access for external entities to network resources is prohibited.





Article ID: 2957
Mon 3/25/24 2:50 PM
Mon 3/25/24 2:50 PM