Android Email Clients and MFA


This article applies to the following operating system(s):



The currently supported mail client for Android is Microsoft Outlook for Mobile. Other mail clients, including Yahoo, Gmail, and the default Android mail app, are not supported for MFA at this time. Outlook is available for free in the Google Play store.

To install Outlook for Mobile, follow these steps:

Setup Outlook for Mobile

Step 1:

Open the Google Play store app and search for "Intune Company Portal". Tap the "Intune Company Portal" result.

Google play searching for Intune Company Portal


Step 2:

Tap "Install". You do not need to open Intune Company Portal, it only needs to be present on the device for Outlook to function properly.

Google Play ready to tap Install for Intune Company Portal


Step 3:

Search within the Google Play store for "Outlook". Tap the "Microsoft Outlook" result.

GPlay search for Outlook


Step 4:

Tap "Install".

GPlay install Outlook


Step 5:

Tap "Open".

GPlay open Outlook


Step 6:

Tap "Get Started".

Outlook get started


Step 7:

Enter your U of I email address and tap "Continue".

Outlook add account


Step 8:

Enter your U of I NetID password and tap "Sign In".

Outlook enter password


Step 9:

Complete Duo multifactor authentication.

Outlook app requesting Duo authentication


Step 10:

Outlook asks if you want to add additional accounts. You can add a Uof I student account and email accounts from other providers such as Gmail or Yahoo by tapping "Continue". Adding additional U of I staff or faculty accounts is not supported at this time.

If you have no other accounts tap "Skip".

Outlook add another account


Step 11:

Swipe through the welcome screen for information on using the Outlook mobile app, or tap "Skip" to go to your Inbox.

Outlook welcome carousel


Step 12:

Your Inbox should now be displayed.

Outlook app inbox, process is complete




Article ID: 1086
Fri 9/7/18 3:51 PM
Tue 3/19/24 6:50 PM